Tuesday, March 31, 2009


A wolf walks past a birch tree in the snow
His fur is silver with the morning dew
And as he passes by, my slinking foe
Is drawn in by the scent of my hot stew
I long have had it cooking by this fire
So that I might fill up and warm my soul
He licks his teeth in hopes he will acquire
The meal that slowly cooks above these coals
I slowly reach for rifle by my side
So that I might then slay approaching beast
My hand lifts up the cover of cow-hide
The wolf continues lusting for his feast
Intently, creeping gently, getting close
My nerves are steady as I raise my gun
Though ignorant, I guess that my wolf knows
His days of stalking prey will soon be done
A shot rings out and breaks the silent morn
The wolf falls limp upon the waiting frost
I never, from the day that I was born
Have paid, for any breakfast, such a cost

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Most people call me Ugly...
My mother calls me Sean.
Most people call my mother ugly.

I don't really know a better word
To summarize my existence,
As if that was something worth doing.
As if making things easy to understand
Really ever resulted in understanding.

I usually don't do this.
I usually don't cut out my piece.
Assuming it might fit
Might be foolish.
I'm not loud.
I lack the necessary audacity.
I've spoken out of turn before
Only to remember the look
On people's faces.
It broke their symmetry.

Ugliness isn't an appearance
Or even a status.
It's a decision.
As a young boy I decided
To be ugly.
I made it before I could
Take it back and
Lack the tools to
Turn back time.

I came into this world Sean
And will leave it so.
But I dwell here Ugly.
Knowing God lives for me
So that I may sigh lightly.
This in stead of a deep sigh.
The kind that makes Ugly
Despair at mystery,
Tear at the fabric of what
They think is real.
Feel for a world that
Doesn't keep in it uncertainty.

I am Ugly.
Ugly does twist at himself.
He twists at his face and
What lies behind it.
He smoulders in spite and
Despite of himself.
Twisting and smouldering
Bending and burning
Make a sight more ugly than before.
A sound that screeches,
A stench that is putrid.

I am Sean.
Sean does look outward.
He sets his heart to task and
Is battered back at times.
He builds his strength
Despite his weaknesses.
Looking and building
Growing and learning
Make a man just as Ugly as before.
A friend that betrays,
A lover that fails.

My works are like refuse
As they've been in my pocket.
Understand that I've said little
As you expected I might.
Forget it.
Self-indulgence with no
Self to indulge upon.
I beg the reader to forsake all here
Save one request.
I am Ugly.
Please call me Sean.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What I Want On My Tombstone

Studies have shown that people in their early twenties don't often take the time to stop and think about their own mortality. Those same studies also suggest that when the temporary nature of life is thought of, 78% of those respondents had recently listened to "Time" by Pink Floyd. Taking this to heart, I began thinking about ways I could leave behind a lasting legacy--something that will carry a message to future generations. What was a rock-solid, block-lettered way I could pass on that message? A tombstone, of course. More than anything else, a tombstone would effectively communicate a pointed message to future generations--and one of my choosing. In order for me to build a legacy, some have urged me to commit my life to charitable causes. Others have suggested having many children with wives and girlfriends, and passing on the sacred traditions of honor and family that are the bedrock of our civilization. In my own personal experience, I've tried, as much as possible, to convince those around me to do things for me so that I will be remembered as a leader. However, all of these tactics are contingent on me achieving actual goals. The beauty of the tombstone is this: I get to choose one simple message that family members and creepy cemetery-walkers will be forced to read. That message will be etched in stone, regardless of my life's achievements. I could be a shoeless tramp, a seedy ne'er-do-well, or even a high school gym teacher--it doesn't matter--this message will stand. And because I plan to carry some serious financial debt into the grave, I'll make sure to have my tombstone carved out long before I breathe my last.

This said, I've been pondering what witty phrase, or dirty double-entendre I want forever chiseled a few feet above my dead body. It has to be something short and to the point--in that way, unavoidable. The reader will be finished before they can stop themselves. For instance, most of the people who began reading this blog expecting something of real substance had the opportunity to turn their attention to something else a long time ago. If you're still reading, you're definitely enough of a sucker to stick it out till the end. All things considered, here are my possible answers:

(Tombstone will read: Nicholas Hibbeler 1987-2012)

"Here lies the President of Super-America."

"Please do not use this tombstone as a stage for puppet shows."

"I'm right behind you."

"Being dead is like having sex with Medusa."

"This corpse has a plot, unlike that joke of a movie, Signs."

"I should've used the AC less."

"Captain of the USS Enterprise."

"Time capsule. Please open 2042."

"Beauty is only skin-deep, but smarts are only brain-deep."

"He hated his children."

"Self-aware nose-picker."

"Hermit Crab enthusiast and shell decorator."

"He swam like 12 minutes after eating."

"Resurrection reward: the best chicken pasta you've ever had."

"You should have had sex with him while you could."

"He used aluminium-based deodorant."

"Died not knowing why snow-boarding was cooler than skiing."

"If you're going to pour out liquor, please be seasonally conscious."

"Rigor Mortis: the full-body stiffy."

"If I come back as a zombie, don't dismember my good side."

"Gave good karma to many by owing them cash."

"Set my iPod to shuffle."

Goodtime Activist

I have a problem with people
Who point out the modern evils
Whether pointing at a steeple
Or at their governmental weasles
But, please don't misunderstand
Because I think dissent is healthy
But dissent is never spent
And comfort belongs to the wealthy

Selfish politics are being pushed
And sold to the consumer
Where the glory is the person, not the cause
Let's see how many buttons
And t-shirts we can sell
Before they find that our statistics have been flawed

So your candidate won
But there's a war going on
No, there's several and they're clawing at your soul
See, we've broken into teams
To forget about the issues
And there's nothing left to fill the gaping hole

Sold to the highest bidder!
We're back in the swing of dreams
I'm so damned inspired
That I'll join your scene
Fiends for distractions
Actions speak softly
Words scream the loudest
When they're meaningless and costly

Often, I cry at night
Because I have nothing to cry about
Sometimes I die of fright
When no one seems to hear me out
Let's start a pie fight
World hunger, we'll forget about
Turn off the night light
And go to sleep without a sound

That's what they want from you
To lay down and take it
And if you want climax
You'll just have to fake it
Because sex is so fun when you're completely dishonest
And America's been fucked by the best
They wear lapel pins just to prove that they're modest
But beg you to rip off their vest
Chest exposed
Wardrobe malfunction
But don't disrupt their prayer luncheon
Here, munchkin!
Snack on this for a while
Daddy's got to make the trial
We're serving up death sentences and doing it in style
So keep on paying your taxes
Because I swear if you don't that we won't stay our axes
I swear if you don't that we won't check our faxes
Then can we sound mute?
I swear, when your mouth is shut, you look so cute
But I'll give you an excuse
And a little horn to toot
And every four years you can blow it