Friday, February 6, 2009

My Brother is a Genius of Modern Art

(Whether he knows it or not)

I've decided to write this note because of the artistic vision that is becoming progressively more obvious through the work of Adam Hibbeler. The fact that he is indeed my brother has no pull on my artistic criticism.

Lately my brother (Adam Hibbeler) has been putting up on facebook the product of his creative energy unleashed at work (in between phone calls).

The series is called, "When i'm bored at work I play on paint...". It's important to note that there are only two words capitalized in this title. Appropriately, the first word is capitalized, as well as the singular personal pronoun, "I". This is meaningful in several ways. For one, the lack of capitalization is fitting within the context of short-hand indicative of the information age. Not only that, but notice what else isn't capitalized: the first "I"...

From the title we can pull the following two phrases: "i'm bored at work" and "I play on paint..."

The first phrase refers to the repressed artist; the man behind the desk who doesn't necessarily value his individualism, and thus doesn't take care to capitalize his own personal pronoun. The second phrase begins with an action. The artist tells us that he doesn't consider the act of creation a chore, a job, or even a pastime. He considers it "play". Profound indeed when contrasted with the somber feelings attached to the first phrase.

Hibbeler is also on the cutting edge as far as his choice in outlet is concerned. Exhibiting these works for free, on facebook, in a public photo folder is a bold step that reveals he is an artist unbound and unhindered by the conventions of art at large. He conceptualizes the visual arts as a people's medium and carries it out as such. To further reflect this sentiment, Hibbeler makes use of the "tagging" function built into the facebook photo-sharing structure in order to bring friends and family closer to his vision; inviting them to engage their minds actively and asking them (though not directly) for what reason they were tagged, and why in that spot of the piece.

Adam Hibbeler chose to leave these works untitled. And though I don't portend to fully grasp the significance of each work, I will use simple descriptors to reference them in this review. Though it would be possible for me to look at each and every work individually, I will opt to point out just a few, leaving the reader the exciting opportunity to discover the rest on their own.

The fact that Hibbeler used nothing but Microsoft Paint is a tribute to the artistic method of tightening one's parameters. It's truly a minimalistic approach, but one that yields fantastic results.

The first I will mention is (the bird). This work features a fantastically colored and proportioned bird soaring through the sky. Although this piece seems peaceful at first glance, further reflection sparks inklings of chaos. Hibbeler creates the illusion of speed by stretching out the points on each wing, as well as giving the subject an overall direction of heading downward, as in a dive. The wings, taken individually, are held at different positions, hinting that some quick maneuvering may be taking place. Our final clue comes not from the piece itself, but from a comment left by a certain coworker. This coworker simply states, "I remember him." This simple, but chilling statement leaves the viewer guessing at what event this apparently memorable feathered friend made his appearance. Visions of birds fluttering confusedly inside an office building flock to mind, providing the viewer with ample reason to sympathise with the artist.

The next piece is actually a two-parter. (Circuit City) is a graphic and culturally relevant tale of an electronics giant felled by the inertia of uncertainty that dominates our world today. The first piece is of a perfectly normal Circuit City location on a partly-cloudy day, birds flying in the sky (our familiar theme). But something is off. As one commenter notes, "...the sun is in the wrong place...". This simple statement isn't necessarily stating the idea that the sun itself may be off its course, but it does point out that if the sun is placed where it is (in the upper-left corner of the piece), and the shadow of Circuit City is placed where
it is, then something is wrong. Something indeed. This represents the feeling of foreboding that many Circuit City employees felt in months leading to the company's eventual demise. Poor decisions, layoffs, and dominance of Best Buy were all warning signs of collapse--A collapse expressed in Hibbeler's second part. In it, he depicts the same location broken, and burning. Everything else in the piece remains the same as the first; the positioning, the grass, the sun, the birds... a sign that though economic hardship may destroy institutions, the world spins on--the world spins on.

The last I will mention I will simply refer to as (Rory Nelson). This piece (so referred to in recognition of the only individual tagged), is yet another contrast of bleak conditions and human triumph. Much of the electronic canvass is etched out in black lines, leaving only miniscule windows of white peering through the darkness. Hints of pink are also used throughout, and the work is effectively organic and geometric in areas. This dark, or even disturbed depiction of life is interrupted by a simple smiling face, reminiscent of a Jack-O-Lantern, which seems to cut in and assert that life, no matter how dreadful, can be funny.

I've decided to conclude my rambling critique by saying that I don't believe that everyone is ready for the work of Adam Hibbeler. Because of this, some of you may doubt my reasons for writing this. My primary reason is not to make a spectacle of my vague inferences into this art; in fact, quite the contrary. I am writing this to draw attention to the work of someone I consider to be genuinely creative and insightful individual. As mentioned earlier, the fact that he also happens to be my brother is immaterial in regards the potency of his work. Below is a link to the folder. Enjoy.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

You Wanna Buy Some Drugs?

It feels good
That's why I do it
I love the feeling I get when the smoke hits my lungs
Tingling hits my brain

The boy in black says, "You wanna buy some drugs?"
Come on, guy, give me a hug!
We're all just people here and I want a good time,
Why are you stressing me over the price of a dimebag?
Yes, I wanna buy some drugs
Hand it over
My pockets grow thin, making my nights grow colder

Share it, don't spare it
To the end, with my friends, sporting marijuana grins
Light up at ten, puff to win, how could this be a sin?
Hey man
Check out my poetry

What the hell was that?
That was Lisa across the hall sounding like the fuzz
Get some pizza, make a call so we can munch off this buzz
Work's on Monday, and it's Saturday so chill out
No chores, no boss, no stupid reports to fill out
Still out with Jill, you know it's me in the van
Hey, now let me read my poetry to you, man

"West Side dreams
Seems that I've been searching..."
Hold up, let me take another hit of that burnt thing

Seriously, this is the best stuff I've had in a while
Forget your sense of fashion
Forget your sense of style
Everything is just cool man, what did you think?
Cool, I knew you'd like it
No, just throw it in the sink
Wait a minute, aren't you the one who said my poetry sucks?
Yeah, I know it sucks
No, I said throw it in the sink

When I Become Independently Wealthy 2

I'm going to build a house and completely decorate it entirely with glow-in-the-dark material.

I'm going to create a robot version of my wife. Not to replace her like in "The Stepford Wives", but to hold over her head so that she doesn't get out of line.

I'm going to dig out a system of tunnels all over the world for transportation by biologically engineered giant moles.

I'll have to build a massive giant mole breeding and training facility.

I'm going to market and sell a successful line of plush toys modelled after my world famous giant moles.

I'm going to find Moby Dick and kill it.

I'm going to finance an enormous Hollywood production depicting the story of my life. I will be played by Will Smith.

I will never clone myself.

I will, however, clone you.

I will purchase every copy of every original printing of every comic book ever and put them on display for nerds the world over to enjoy. Then I will burn them.

I will attempt to build a time machine. After decades of failed attempts and billions of dollars spent, I will finally give up. Then, as I sit smoking a cigar, using a special lung disease filter that I invented, I will realize that through all my research I learned the most valuable lesson of all: that some things just can't be done by man. As I make this realization, a mouse crawls into my latest "failed" time machine and ushers in an age of mouse-men in an alternate universe.

I will hold a special contest to allow five ordinary citizens the chance to see the inner sanctum of my lair. And out of them I will choose one who will get to see me naked.

I'm going to have special pool of molten lava in my room so that my friends and I can throw things in it and watch them melt. (This might sound like a fun drunk activity, but I've learned not to mix alcohol and lava.)

I will hire the worlds best hypnotists to convince all my ex-wives that everything was their fault, and also that I'm Batman.

I won't forget the little things like family, friends and high-grade cocaine.

I'll commission several solid gold busts of myself worth roughly $20,000 each. Then I will host a game-show where grand prize winners can either accept one of the golden busts, or whatever waits them behind the "Sur-PRIZE Door!". The show will be called, "Surprise or Bust!".

I will hire Jon Legend to play at my friend Jordan Rhea's house.

When I Become Independently Wealthy

I'm going to purchase the best sound system in the world. Then I'm going to install hyper-perceptive bionic eardrums into my skull--because even when I'm rich, I think music will--like, totally still be a big part of my life, yo.

I'm going to buy out all the ad space on every website I visit with the original intent to rid them of ads altogether. Eventually I will replace these blank spots with a moving .gif of my head, urging the viewer to hit it with a tiny boxing glove in order to win an X-Box.

I'm still going to do medical studies for a little extra scratch on the side.

I'm going to purchase publishing rights for the Bible.

I'll hire every former boss I've had to do whatever it is I did for them for one week. Then we'll have a big party to celebrate my life. Party favors will include action figures, and rolls of receipt paper. Steak n' Shake meals will be served.

I'll have anyone who looks exactly like me assassinated. I don't know if these people exist, but I'm pretty sure that if I kill them, I'll get their collective life force.

I'll bottle my excess life force and sell it for even more money which I will use to hire a shaman to suck the life force from my enemies. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I'm going to purchase a seersucker suit, and crocodile shoes. If you don't understand why, go back to Awesome School (or perhaps attend for the first time).

I'm going to get clear sinuses year-round. I don't know how, but price is no object.

I'm going to invite everyone who has ever wronged me to a "bury the hatchet"' party. As they're all chatting and having a great time drinking punch, my voice will come over the intercom and announce, "Ladies and gentlemen! I sincerely hope you are enjoying your drinks, because they are actually poison!" As they all begin to panic and clutch each other in fear, I reveal that I had been joking, and it's actually just normal fruit-punch. 
That was a rather distasteful joke, but that's Nick for you!, they'll all be thinking. And in that moment, the floor drops from beneath them as they plunge into cold, robot-shark infested waters.

I'm going to buy all of my friends Crocs for Christmas.

I'll have every variety of Pop-Tart within 50 feet of me at all times.

I'll make hats made of lobsters fashionable again.

Every woman I bring to my house will be treated to the finest foods and entertainment. Two words: Tom Jones.