Friday, June 1, 2007

Talking to ghosts

A blog, which is a glorified online journal, will serve a very specific set of purposes for someone like me. It will never be advertised, linked to, talked about, cited, or most importantly, read. Knowing this, I forge ahead with effort that surpasses the effort which I put into most other daily acts of tedium. This wouldn't be my first foray into this marvelous world where people convince themselves their thoughts are considered. MySpace and Facebook have garnered my attention in the past drawing me ever closer with each "comment" or "reply". I have since dropped said habits and have decided to get right down to the meat of it: blogging. It's a word I don't like, but it's a word that has been so universally adopted that it's impossible to avoid. What drives most people in this venture is the fact that someone can... might spend a few moments of their time appreciating your thoughts. So it's possible, but the odds are severely against it. Let us say that the internet has led some unsuspecting traveler to the gates of your blogging kingdom. They have options. Click a title... scroll down... hit the "back" key. Assuming they have some sort of strange obsession with manners and would feel "rude" for backing out of your blog, they might even read it. What's important to realize is the only difference between people who read your blog and those who don't (first of all that those who don't actually exist) is that the people who have read your blog tend to waste more time. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm only suggesting that people don't care about your thoughts. They just don't. I'm not going to lie, I don't like to read. It takes an outstanding literary talent to rip me from my own line of thinking for only a few moments. I'm as impatient, uncaring and bull-headed as the rest of humanity, but I also like getting my thoughts out. In the end, getting your thoughts out doesn't require anyone else to hear them. That would only be a catalyst for their own decision to unleash their pattern of thinking.

What am I listening to? What am I watching? Who am I dating?
Why does it matter? I already know.

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