Thursday, November 8, 2007

Boys and Girls

Boys and girls are teams
They each represent sets of attitudes and stigmas
Little girls are not made of stardust and rainbows
Little boys are not made of sawdust and chicken wire
They are flesh, they are blood, and they are hurting all the same

Untangle the weeds from your hair and stop calling them flowers
Pull the plank out of your eye and give the other team a hand
Love is universal, but rarely crosses gender picket lines
Give it time and it will realize the futility of stationary status

Love divine is strictly blind, but sickly binded by our mindstate
Left alone, patient and prostrate love is waiting for its chance
Here we worship graven images of love expressed in sin
All the while depressed within and eager,
Frantically scanning every landscapegoat grazing field
Eyeing out our match
The one we'll dump all of our problems on
And they will do the same
Till there's left no one to blame
And we'll justify our shame

One day we'll make our contributions to these big-blaspheming teams
Injecting worries dressed as dreams
Our partnership set sail, away from the son
Throwing up a bare-masted rebellion to the only one who ever loved you...

Starlight twinkles behind the summer air
But up close it's manufactured fare
Faries play in the field, kicking up dew
But they were screwed together too
By a child's calloused hands
How dare we fancy magic in a world as cold as steel
Hunger, death, and desperation are becoming what is real
Don't you claim to war against them, frollicking among the cure
Pure motivation of want drives us forward past the poor ones
Blotting them out
We're not boys and girls on this earth
We're dead and dying

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