Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Recember 1?th, 2008

A Day in the Life of Ornseth

Today I woke up promptly before springmeal. I hadn't missed it since Leewence served his famous chopped gipper and Memial spilled Juicemilk all over her favorite pie-green pelt. I was determined not to be deprived of something this cool again. After stepping, three legs at a time, into my pompadour slacks, I moseyed over to the crystal dish for a good cleansing of the visage... but then, you didn't want to hear about the mundane minutia of my mediocre morning, did you?

You did? Too bad. I'm moving on.

What struck me as odd this morning was that as the suns were setting in the Sweth, not a single pteradactyl tarried in the twilight. Usually at this stage of the Gamma Planet's rotation, all manner of swidge and marmel will flutter and squawk, filling the sky with life. And yet it's only at their absence I am astounded. So, since I surmised science could solve this mystery I had, I got in my Lambradire and trolled toward my neighborhood Muntz.

Now, the Muntz in my village is a sentimental glinch (pardon my Crackter). And since I had avoided him for the past Tweventy rotations or so, he was sure to expect some sort of explanation for my absence. I decided I would act as if I was incredibly tired so he wouldn't press the issue.

"Ornseth!" he exclaimed, "It's been so--" I cut him off here.

"Madgo-Muntz! There's no time! I'm curious to know why there are no pteradactyl in the sky!"

"No swidge?" he asked.

"No." I said.

"No marmel?" he inquired.


"No pine-beaked phled?"

"Umm..... No." I said firmly.

He began to laugh, wiggling his nartle like he knew a secret. "Why it's simple, Ornseth!" He waited for me to say something, but I wouldn't play his game. "When the moons are at the shores, pteradactyls stay indoors."

Thank Mindar I wasn't crazy... just forgetful. I bowed apologetically to the Muntz as he got back to work.

As I angrily ate my springmeal, I became determined not to face the Muntz again until I had something to teach him. I was embarrassed to forget such a well-known fact, but I didn't let it ruin my day...

Yes I did. Why else would I be writing this?!

Blarg! Maybe tomorrow I won't be such a poor excuse for a Mekt.


One more thing - Plisse still won't talk to me. Sometimes I wish romance didn't have to involve all of the genders.


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